Crisis prevention: from the helpline to counselling and beyond

As a society for crisis prevention, a significant amount of our programming is designed around mental health and wellness programs that support our community members before a crisis. From the Community Helpers program to mentorship opportunities, these are uplifting initiatives that engage people of all ages into learning more about mental health and wellness.

But prevention in mental health is a multi-faceted approach that explores every angle of support for someone who is struggling. It’s about keeping them out of the acute care system and helping them stay connected within the community, and finding a way forward from an incredibly challenging time. 

A holistic approach to crisis prevention

This wrap-around prevention initiative starts with the Some Other Solutions Crisis Line. Established in 1987, the 24/7 crisis line has been a direct support line for the community, receiving an average of 100 calls a month. The crisis line allows those in an urgent crisis situation to call and get the help they need in the moment they need it most. Whether someone is contemplating suicide or feeling overwhelming grief they can’t push through — trained experts are on the line to help. 

A crisis call is like coming to a T intersection. Someone has hit their breaking point and needs immediate help. But what happens next? The majority of crisis calls aren’t “solved” in one conversation. So do they turn towards additional support, like follow-up counselling? Or do they hang up the phone and carry on.

The elevated counselling program at Some Other Solutions is making it easier for those struggling to turn towards additional support without taking an extra step. No longer does someone who calls the crisis line have to take their own initiative to find a counsellor to start a treatment program. Instead, our crisis support team will offer to connect the person with a counsellor and schedule the appointment immediately. 

The more barriers we can remove for treatment opportunities, the more we can provide a holistic approach to overcoming crisis and trauma. We want everyone in our community to have the opportunity to re-establish positive relationships and feel connected and supported right here at home. 

If you are in crisis, call 780-743-HELP (4357). To book a counselling appointment, click here.

Some Other Solutions